J2_Welcome_LogoBlue Organic Soil Management

Healthy soil matters to all farmers and “feed the soil, not the plant” is the mantra of organic farmers. Organic farmers focus on creating fertile soil that is rich in organic matter and teeming with life.


Cover Crops just one method

Growing cover crops is one way to improve soil fertility. These plants are not harvested – just grown for soil improvement. Legume cover crops, such as alfalfa or peas, also called green manures, transform nitrogen from the air into a form plants can use. Other crops (such as oats and buckwheat) add organic matter, take up soluble nutrients (to reduce nutrient leaching), or reduce soil erosion.

Manure – Natures Gold!

Manure is an important source of nutrients on organic farms. Manure is usually composted before application and must reach at least 55C for 4 consecutive days to destroy pathogens and weed seeds. If not composted manure must be incorporated into the soil at least 90-120 days before harvest, depending on the crops being grown.

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Journey 2050 Lesson: 2
This resource is a great addition to Lesson 2 – Plant Health

What are GMOs and are they okay to eat? What does organic farming look like? How are animals like chickens or cattle raised?

snapAG is a series of resources that invite students to explore the hot topics affecting the agriculture industry today. Topics range from organics, biotechnology, GMOs, livestock, and more.

Explore what’s trending in agriculture in Canada by browsing the topics here.

Sources available at: https://aitc-canada.ca/en-ca/learn-about-agriculture

snapAg is brought to you by Agriculture in the Classroom Canada and partners.