canola field


Irrigation is key to global food security. World-wide, irrigation produces 40% of global food supplies. In Canada, only 8.5% of Canadian farms use irrigation; the rest rely solely on rain for crop watering.

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Plants require nutrients to grow. As plants grow, they use nutrients from the soil. When they are harvested, they take those nutrients with them and so they need to be replenished for the next crop.

tractor applying fertilizer

Fertilizer Use

Improved farming practices and the use of fertilizers have helped feed the world while saving habitats that would otherwise be needed for growing food.

fruit pests

Organic Pest Management

Organic farmers identify the conditions that allow weeds and pest to thrive and try to create more favourable conditions. The key to managing pests and weeds on organic farms is to reduce their impact by using different management practices.


Organic Soil Management

Healthy soil matters to all farmers and “feed the soil, not the plant” is the mantra of organic farmers. Organic farmers focus on creating fertile soil that is rich in organic matter and teeming with life.

sandwich meat

Food Additives

Humans have been adding substances to food for thousands of years to make food last longer or improve taste. Historians have found records indicating salt was used to preserve meat as early as 3000 BC!

milk products

Milk Pasteurization

Pasteurization makes milk safe by heating it to a high temperature then cooling it rapidly. This process destroys any pathogens in milk while maintaining its nutritional value.

dairy products

Dairy in Your Diet

Did you know all milk sold in Canada has vitamin D added to it? Vitamin D is important in helping the body absorb calcium.