Is Organic Food Worth the Cost?

Are organic foods really healthier than non-organic foods? Are they better for animals? Are they better for the environment? Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, explains.

The Story of Agriculture and the Green Economy

Watch this video to gain insight into the current challenges faced by the agriculture industry, and learn about what is being done to ensure sustainable agricultural development for the future.

Crop Nutrients

Plant need to eat, just like you and me. Check out this video to learn how farmers provide nutrients to their crops and maximize yields through best management practices.

Plant Breeding

What have you heard about plant breeding? Do you think you know what it is? Find out, and learn about plant breeding from this Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan Resource.

Crop Protection

Learn about crop protection and pesticide use from this Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan Resource.

Genetically Modified Crops

This lesson is designed for students in grades 9-12 to discuss genetically modified crops and the technology behind their existence. The activity provides students with both for and against arguments to give them a well rounded perspective on this controversial crop science.

dairy cow

Why Are Dairy Cows Skinny?

Hear from a real dairy producer why dairy cows are skinny. You can even ask them a question about dairy cattle or milk!

land use maps

Agricultural Land-Use Maps

How much do you know about land-use around the world?  Find out by exploring these agricultural land-use maps. You might be surprised by your findings!


Live Population Stats

Learn about population growth and population density using this interactive resource.