bell peppers

Horticulture in Canada

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. Over 120 different fruit and vegetable crops are commercially grown in Canada.

soil with ruler


It all depends on soil! Over the years, much of our precious topsoil eroded into ditches and waterways. Today, farmers are working hard to improve the land.

Modern farmer

Today’s Farm

Most farms today look very different than they did 50 years ago. What has stayed the same is the commitment to caring for the land, crops and animals.

growing organic beets

Organic Farming

Organic farmers aim to grow crops and raise livestock in ways that are sustainable and harmonious with the environment. They share many practices with non-organic farmers and also implement some uniquely organic practices.

Learn About Canola_Grade 7 to 9

Use Canola as a great example of an agriculture success story! Curriculum-based lesson plans and facts are prepared specifically for grade 7-9 students to pick up and discuss how canola plays a role in sustainable agriculture. Everything is provided in these free resources!

Learn About Canola_Grade 10 to 12

Canola was first developed in Canada; hence, the name ‘Can’ stands for Canada and ‘Ola’ stands for Oil.

Use these FREE, curriculum-based resources to learn about a leading oil seed that produces food for us, feed for livestock and fuel for our vehicles! 

Milk – Farm to Table 360 Video

Discover how milk travels from farm to table. Check out this Canadian family dairy farm and watch this 360 video to see how it works.

Cheese – Farm to Table

Discover how cheese is processed – from a Canadian family dairy farm to your table.
Watch this 360 video to see how it works.

Voluntary Milking System

Thanks to the implementation of a Voluntary Milking System, cows on this Canadian family dairy farm can decide when they would like to be milked.
Watch this 360 video to see how it works.